Idiom | Pinyin | Description | Operation |
析圭儋爵 | xī guī dān jué | 指任官受爵。 | Detail |
析圭分组 | xī guī fēn zǔ | 谓任官受印。组,组绶。 | Detail |
析珪判野 | xī guī pàn yě | 谓封爵分土。 | Detail |
析珪胙土 | xī guī zuò tǔ | 谓封爵分土。 | Detail |
析骸以爨 | xī hái yǐ cuàn | 指被围日久,粮尽柴绝的困境。亦以形容战乱或灾荒时期百姓的悲惨生活。 | Detail |
析骸易子 | xī hái yì zǐ | 拆尸骨为炊,交换孩子而食。形容粮尽援绝的极端困境。参见析骸以爨”。 | Detail |
析毫剖厘 | xī háo pōu lí | 分解剖析极为细小的事物。形容分析仔细而透彻。 | Detail |
析毫剖芒 | xī háo pōu máng | 亦作析毫剖厘”。分割剖析毫毛芒刺。形容剖析细微透彻。 | Detail |
析交离亲 | xī jiāo lí qīn | 指离间亲友。 | Detail |
析精剖微 | xī jīng pōu wēi | 指剖析精微深奥的道理。 | Detail |
析缕分条 | xī lǚ fēn tiáo | 析剖析;缕线。有条有理地细细分析。 | Detail |
析律贰端 | xī lǜ èr duān | 指曲解法律条文,妄生不实端绪,以加重人罪。 | Detail |
析律舞文 | xī lǜ wǔ wēn | 指故意玩弄文字,曲解法律条文。 | Detail |
析微察异 | xī wēi chá yì | 指仔细观察、辨别。 | Detail |
析言破律 | xī yán pò lǜ | 指巧说诡辨,曲解律令。 | Detail |
析疑匡谬 | xī yí kuāng miù | 解析疑义,纠正谬误。 | Detail |
息迹静处 | xī jì jìng chù | 息止息;迹行迹,脚印;处处所。要想不见行迹,只有自己静止不动。引申为要想人不知,除非己莫为。 | Detail |
息交绝游 | xī jiāo jué yóu | 屏绝交游活动。隐居。 | Detail |
息怒停瞋 | xī nù tíng chēn | 瞋发怒时睁大眼睛。停止发怒和生气。多用作劝说,停息恼怒之辞。 | Detail |
息黥补劓 | xī qíng bǔ yì | 指修整面容残缺,恢复本来面目◇用以喻改过自新。 | Detail |
Related Tools
The online chinese idiom full list supports idiom query, idiom explanation and idiom example viewing. You can fuzzy query idioms according to the words or phonetic abbreviations. This tool contains tens of thousands of chinese idioms and provides online query function of idiom dictionary.
- Include : Input the words contained in the idiom or the phonetic initials of the idiom to query. For example, if you input a 马, you will search for idioms containing the word 马. Enter mdgc to query the idioms containing mdgc in the phonetic acronyms.
- Position : If you enter Include text, you can set whether the search keyword appears at the start, end or any position of the idiom through the text position parameter. For example, if the word input 马 is included and the position of the word is set as the start, all idioms starting with the word 马 will be searched. If the text position is set to the end, all idioms ending in the 马 will be searched.
- Length : The number of Chinese characters in idioms. You can use this parameter to filter three character idioms, four character idioms, or idioms with more characters.
- The above filter conditions can be set at the same time. When set at the same time, idioms that meet all conditions will be filtered.