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Child Height Calculator Online

TAG life-tool

child gender
centimeter (cm)
centimeter (cm)
Prediction of Stature
Stature Range
Child Height Calculator Online-summary

Online height calculator for children, predicting and calculating their height based on multiple parameters, and providing height standard references for different age groups.

Child Height Calculator Online-instructions

Online height calculator for children, based on the height of both parents and the gender of the children, predicts the target height of the children and displays the error range of the calculated height results.

  1. Formula for calculating the height of children

    1. WHO formula (height in centimeters):
      Boy's height = ( Father's height + Mother's height + 13 ) ÷ 2 .
      Girl's height = ( Father's height + Mother's height - 13 ) ÷ 2 .
      The error range is ± 7.5 centimeters.
    2. Midparental height formula (height in centimeters):
      Boy's height = ( Father's height + Mother's height ) × 1.08 ÷ 2 .
      Girl's height = ( Father's height × 0.923 + Mother's height ) ÷ 2 .
      The error range is ± 7.5 centimeters.
  2. What factors affect a child's height?

    How tall will my child be? Will they be as tall as their father or average height like their grandfather? These issues excite almost every parent during pregnancy and as their child continues to grow in the early stages. Many of us believe that children are usually taller than their parents. Of course, this is not a rule, these trends vary by child and family. The height of a child is mainly influenced by the following factors:
    1. The most important factor is genetics, as a child's height is directly and significantly influenced by their parents' height.
    2. Nutrition - Growth requires a lot of nutrients and energy! Overweight children are often taller than others, but maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for their development.
    3. Hormone levels, especially growth hormone or thyroid hormone.
    4. Health status: Children with good physical health have better development, and certain diseases can affect height development.
    5. Drug effects, such as corticosteroids, can affect growth.
    6. Genetic conditions: For example, children with Marfan syndrome tend to grow taller, while children with Down syndrome are typically shorter than others.
    60-80% of an individual's height is determined by genetics. The role of environmental factors, especially nutrition, is estimated to be around 20-40%. These numerical ratios are derived from long-term research on the influence of genetic and environmental factors on height in humans.
  3. How to grow taller?

    Many people are dissatisfied with their height. Is it possible to increase my height? How can I grow taller when I reach adulthood?
    Firstly, we should consider a common question - is it possible to increase height after adolescence? In the above text, we found that a person's height is largely determined by genetics (60-80%), and the body grows by elongating long bones (thanks to the special cartilage located in the long bones - the growth plate). The conclusion is that it is impossible to increase bone length after closing the growth plate, which means that humans cannot grow taller anymore.
    However, we can observe that the height of most adults changes slightly every day. The reason for these changes is due to disc compression throughout the day. Daily activities can affect the cartilage of the intervertebral disc, leading to a decrease in height. Please note that we are highest just after the night and lowest at the end of a long and active day.
    Of course, during childhood and adolescence, when puberty arrives, a healthy lifestyle can help your child grow and develop in the right way. During this period, adequate sleep, a good diet (providing sufficient macronutrients and micronutrients for the developing body), and exercise are very important.
    Important notice: The information in this tool is for reference only. If you think your child is too short or too tall, please consult a pediatrician.
  4. How to predict a child's height?

    There are many different methods now to predict a child's adult height, some of which are more accurate than others. No matter how accurate this method is, height prediction is not an exact science, and a child's height may deviate significantly from the predicted value.
    1. Bone age, skeletal maturity method : Bone age can be used to predict height and is considered more accurate than the other methods listed below. One of the methods is the Greulich Pyle method, which involves measuring bone age using left hand and wrist radiographs. This method compares the patient's radiographic images with the most recent standard radiographic images in the Greulich Pyle atlas, which is a compilation of bone age data. Based on bone age, the child's height, and the data compiled from the dataset, height can be predicted by the percentage of height increase given bone age.
    2. Khamis-Roche Method : The Khamis-Roche method is considered a more accurate height prediction method that does not require measurement of bone age. It is based on the child's height, weight, and the average height of both parents. Please note that it is most suitable for Caucasian children aged 4 to 9 who do not have any growth related illnesses.
    3. Midparental Height formula calculation: Based on the height of both parents, different formulas are used to predict the height of children. This tool mainly adopts this method.
  5. When does height stop growing?

    1. The growth process differs between girls and boys. Female growth is fast in childhood, and when they reach puberty, it speeds up rapidly. They achieve adult height usually at the age of 14-15 or a couple of years after menstruation occurs the first time.
    2. Boys come into puberty later than girls. They start entering it at the age of 12-15, so the most significant growth happens around two years later than for girls. The height growth rate for most boys slows down around 16 years old, but their body mass (mainly muscles) continues to develop.
  6. Growth Charts
    1. Infants and children ages 0 to 2 years(WHO Growth Standards)
    2. Children ages 2 years and older(CDC Growth Charts)