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Map Coordinate System Converter Online

The Map Coordinate System Converter Online tool supports the mutual conversion of longitude and latitude coordinates between WGS84 coordinate system, gcj02 coordinate system (Mars coordinate system) and bd09 coordinate system.

Longitude Latitude Query and Positioning

Longitude Latitude Query and Positioning online:pick up the longitude and latitude coordinates through the online map, or query the longitude and latitude coordinates of the address. You can also reverse query the address information through the longitude and latitude coordinates.

Decimal Degrees and Degrees Minutes Seconds Converter Online

The decimal degrees and degrees minutes seconds converter tool permits the user to convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds. Conversion supports single conversion and batch conversion.

Longitude and Latitude Distance Calculator Online

online longitude and latitude distance calculation, input any two longitude and latitude to calculate the distance between them. The distance calculation supports Haversine formula and Vincenty's formulae.

Geodetic to Cartesian Coordinates Converter Online

This conversion converts geodetic coordinate values (longitude, latitude, elevation above ellipsoid) to their geocentric (X, Y, Z) representation. This tool supports batch conversion, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.

Coordinate Frame Convert Online

The coordinate frame convert tool changes coordinates from one reference frame to another by using Helmert transformation of 3-parameter, 4-parameter and 7-parameter shifts. The input cartesian coordinates (spatial) support 2D and 3D coordinates, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.

Coordinate Projection Calculator Online

Online coordinate projection calculation tool, supporting mutual conversion between longitude and latitude coordinates and projection plane coordinates. Projection supports multiple calculation methods such as Mercator, Transverse Mercator, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Web Mercator, and more.

Axis Swap Online

Online coordinate axis swap tool, supporting the swap of order and signs of coordinate axes. The swap results support downloading to the local.

Geocentric to Topocentric Converter Online

This operation converts geocentric coordinate values (X, Y, Z) to topocentric (E/East, N/North, U/Up) values. This is also sometimes known as the ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) to ENU conversion.

Molodensky-Badekas Transform Online

The Molodensky-Badekas transformation changes coordinates from one reference frame to another by means of a 10-parameter shift. The conversion results can be downloaded locally.

Molodensky Transform Online

The Molodensky transform online tool converts directly from geodetic coordinates to geodetic coordinates, without the intermediate shifts to and from cartesian geocentric coordinates. The Molodensky transformation is simple to implement and to parametrize, requiring only the 3 shifts between the input and output frame, and the corresponding differences between the semimajor axes and flattening parameters of the reference ellipsoids.

Cartesian and Polar Coordinate Converter Online

The online cartesian coordinate and polar coordinate conversion tool supports the mutual conversion of Cartesian coordinate system coordinates and Polar coordinate system coordinates. The conversion supports batch operation, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.

Coordinate System Convert Documentation

The coordinate system conversion instruction document introduces various coordinate systems and the applicability of various coordinate conversion tools on this website.

Coordinate Unit Converter Online

Online coordinate unit conversion tool that supports inputting 2D (XY or BL) coordinates, 3D coordinates (XYZ or BLH), 4D coordinates (XYZT, BLHT), and converting the units of length, angle, or time of the coordinates. This tool supports batch conversion of coordinate units, and the conversion results can be downloaded.

Geodetic Latitude to Geocentric Latitude Converter Online

Online tool for converting geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude, supporting the conversion between geodetic latitude and geocentric latitude. This tool supports latitude batch conversion, with latitude units supporting degrees, radians, and degrees, and supports selecting or customizing ellipsoid parameters. The conversion result can be downloaded locally.