- Single
- Batch
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online longitude and latitude distance calculation, input any two longitude and latitude to calculate the distance between them. The distance calculation supports Haversine formula and Vincenty's formulae.
- Single : Calculates the distance between two latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Batch : Enter two latitude and longitude coordinates per line, and you can enter multiple lines. Batch calculate the distance between a set of latitudes and longitudes.
- The longitude range of input coordinates is [-180,180] , unit is degree(°). The east longitude is positive and the west longitude is negative. The latitude range of input coordinates is [-90,90] , unit is degree(°). The north latitude is positive and the south latitude is negative.
- Formula : Choose whether to use the Vincenty formula (ellipsoidal model) or the Haversine formula (spherical model) to calculate the distance between two latitude and longitude.
- Result Unit : Select the unit of distance, support meter (m), kilometer (km), mile (mi), nautical mile (nMi).
- Precision : The number of digits reserved after the decimal point, optional, the value range is [0-15] .
- The Earth radius used for distance calculation is the mean radius with a value of 6371.0087714 km.
- The Vincenty formula uses an ellipsoid model with high theoretical calculation accuracy.
- The Haversine formula uses a spherical model, with higher latitudes, greater error.
Input Example :
Single : Longitude1 121.3754 Latitude1 35.7089 Longitude2 119.1209 Latitude2 31.999123
Batch :