Related Tools
Longitude Latitude Query and Positioning online:pick up the longitude and latitude coordinates through the online map, or query the longitude and latitude coordinates of the address. You can also reverse query the address information through the longitude and latitude coordinates.
The online longitude and latitude query and positioning tool supports picking up longitude and latitude coordinates using online map or reverse checking longitude and latitude coordinates through address. Online maps supported by this tool include: Baidu map, Gaode map, Tencent map and Google map.
- The coordinates picked up by Baidu map are bd09 coordinate system, and those picked up by Gaode map and Tencent map are Mars coordinate system (gcj02 coordinate system). The coordinate system picked up by Google maps is WGS84. For coordinate system conversion, you can use the Map Coordinate System Converter Online.
- Access to Google maps requires that your network can normally access the Internet. Google map longitude and latitude coordinate query and positioning Help Documentation。