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Digital Binary Converter

Support float and binary / hexadecimal conversion, double and binary / hexadecimal conversion, short and binary / hexadecimal conversion, int and binary / hexadecimal conversion, long and binary / hexadecimal conversion. The byte order needs to be selected during conversion, and the default is large end order. Big end mode means that the high byte of data is saved in the low address of memory. Small end mode means that the high byte of data is saved in the high address of memory.

String Base64 Converter

Provides the function of converting string to Base64. Base64 encoding converts binary data into string. The tool converts strings to binary data using the selected character set. ASCII character set: select the default UTF-8 character set.

Image Base64 Converter

Converts the selected picture to a Base64 string, or converts the specified Base64 string to a picture. The converted string contains MIME type, which can be used directly by the front end. If you need to get a pure Base64 string that does not contain mime, use the File base64 converter.

File Base64 Converter

Convert any format file to Base64 string.

RMB Number Converter

It provides the function of converting online RMB numbers to uppercase numbers. Capital figures are a unique digital writing method in China. Chinese characters with the same pronunciation with numbers are used to replace numbers in order to prevent numbers from being altered. Replace the numbers "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred and thousand" with complex Chinese characters such as "壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰、仟".

UNIX Timestamp Converter

UNIX timestamps and time are converted to each other. UNIX timestamp (UNIX epoch, UNIX time, POSIX time or UNIX timestamp in English) is the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight of UTC / GMT), regardless of leap seconds.

HTML Color Picker

The HTML color picker selects the HTML color online and obtains the RGB value of the corresponding color. Supports transparency settings. This tool also provides common HTML color query and common HTML color name reference table query. HTML color is generally composed of red (R), green (g) and blue (b). Red, green and blue values (RGB) are usually represented by hexadecimal numbers. The lowest value of each color is 0 (hexadecimal 00) and the highest value is 255 (hexadecimal FF). Hexadecimal values are written as # numbers followed by three or six or eight hexadecimal characters. The three digit representation is: #rgb. The six digits are expressed as: #rrggbb. The eight digits are represented as #rrggbbaa, and the last two hexadecimal digits are alpha channel values, indicating the transparency of the color.

HTML Encode / Decode Online

HTML encoding and decoding tool, providing HTML entity online Decode and Encode functions. This tool supports encoding reserved characters in HTML into HTML character entities, and converting HTML character entities into corresponding characters.

Base Converter

Number base converter, which supports the conversion of data within thirty-six hexadecimal, such as binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, etc. Conversion supports integer and float numbers.

Simplified and Traditional Chinese Converter

Simplified and Traditional Chinese Converter tool, which provides text conversion between simplified chinese, traditional chinese, Taiwan traditional and Hong Kong traditional chinese. Traditional Chinese character conversion supports standard conversion and common language replacement conversion.

Chines to Pinyin

The online Chinese character to Pinyin tool converts Chinese characters into pinyin, and supports the functions of displaying tone, polyphone, uppercase Pinyin, lowercase Pinyin and so on.

Unit Converter Online

Unit converter online supports the conversion of multiple units such as length, weight, area, volume data.

String Base32 Converter

The string base32 converter online tool provides the function of converting strings to base32. Conversion supports selecting character sets and setting newline character parameters.

Binary File Hex String Converter

Online file and hex string conversion tool, which supports converting binary files to hexadecimal strings and hexadecimal strings to binary files.

String Binary Converter

Online string and binary conversion tool, using the selected character set, converts the string to a byte array, and then converts the byte array to a binary string.

CSS Color Converter

The online CSS color convert tool supports color conversion between rgb, hex, hsl, hsv, hwb and other formats.

curl Commoand to Code

The online curl command to code tool supports the conversion of curl commands into java, golang, python, js, php, rust, dart and other programming language codes.

YAML to JSON Online

The YAML and JSON mutual conversion tool online supports the function of YAML to JSON and JSON to YAML.

HTML to JS Converter Online

HTML to JS converter online, providing the function of HTML source code to JS variable. It can be converted based on template string or ordinary string concatenating.

String Unicode Converter Online

The string unicode converter tool online supports the mutual conversion of string and unicode code point. The conversion supports setting whether to keep ASCII characters and processing multi byte unicode code point.

String Encode and Decode

The online text encryption and decryption tool supports the encoding and decoding of text to base64, hex, urlencode, html entities, and MD5.

Base64 to Image Converter Online

Online Base64 to image converter, supporting Base64 string to image or Base64 string (in Data URLs format) to image convert.

Number Process Online

Online number processing tool, which supports adding thousands separators, Scientific notation conversion, number to words, number to Chinese words and other functions, the tool supports batch processing.

CSS Length Unit Converter

CSS length unit convert tool online that supports the conversion of values between CSS units such as px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, Q, em, rem, vw, vh and other units.

Base58 Encode and Decode Online

Online Base58 encoding and decoding tool, supporting Base58 encoding and decoding of strings and files.

Online XML and JSON Converter

Online XML and JSON mutual conversion tool, supporting the conversion of XML data and JSON data, and downloading the converted results locally.

True Code/One's Complement/Two's Complement Calculator Online

Online true code, One's Complement code, and Two's Complement calculator, supporting the calculation of 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, and any bits of integer number's true code, One's Complement code, and Two's Complement.

Binary Data Format Converter Online

Online binary format conversion tool, supporting binary data conversion between hex string, hex prefix string, binary string, base64 string, raw format, and downloading the conversion results locally.

Font Format Converter Online

Online font format conversion tool, supporting mutual conversion of font eot, otf, svg, ttf, woff, woff2 formats, generating font sample demos, and downloading the converted font files locally.

Font Subset Generate Online

Online font subset tool, open otf, ttf, woff, woff2 font files, fill in the text or unicode codepoint range, and generate the subset of the font file to reduce the size of the font file. The cropped font file supports downloading to the local location.

Datetime Format Converter

Online date time format conversion tool that converts date time into various formats such as ISO, RFC, Unix timestamp, UTC, Excel time, etc. Supports single time conversion and batch time conversion.

Batch Unit Conversion Online

Online batch unit conversion tool, input a set of data for batch unit conversion. Support batch conversion of multiple units such as length, capacity, quality, area, data, time, temperature, speed, etc.

Chinese Pinyin First Letter Online

Online Chinese Pinyin Initial Abbreviation Tool, obtains the first letter of Chinese Pinyin in input text, supports parameter settings such as polyphonic characters, half width, and full width. The generated pinyin initials support downloading to the local device.

DateTime Type Converter Online

Online datetime type conversion tool, supporting TAI time, UTC time, GPS time (GPST), Beidou time (BDT), Unix timestamp, and local time conversion. This tool supports batch conversion, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.

Local Font Preview Online

Online local font preview tool, open local font files or read locally installed fonts to view the display effect of fonts. Support opening WOFF2, Fonts in WOFF, TTF, and OTF formats.