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Datetime Format Converter

Datetime Format Converter-summary

Online date time format conversion tool that converts date time into various formats such as ISO, RFC, Unix timestamp, UTC, Excel time, etc. Supports single time conversion and batch time conversion.

Datetime Format Converter-instructions

Online date time format conversion tool, supporting the conversion of time between multiple formats such as JavaScript, ISO, RFC, UNIX Timestamp, Excel, etc. The converted results can be downloaded locally.

  1. RFC 7231 and UTC-Format are UTC time, all others are local time.
  2. The numerical value of Excel Date Time is the value of the Excel DATEVALUE function + TIMEVALUE function.
  3. Custom input format time format string.
    Field Example Description
    YY 01 Two-digit year
    YYYY 2001 Four-digit year
    M 1-12 Month, beginning at 1
    MM 01-12 Month, 2-digits
    MMM Jan-Dec The abbreviated month name
    MMMM January-December The full month name
    D 1-31 Day of month
    DD 01-31 Day of month, 2-digits
    H 0-23 Hours
    HH 00-23 Hours, 2-digits
    h 1-12 Hours, 12-hour clock
    hh 01-12 Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits
    m 0-59 Minutes
    mm 00-59 Minutes, 2-digits
    s 0-59 Seconds
    ss 00-59 Seconds, 2-digits
    S 0-9 Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit
    SS 00-99 Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits
    SSS 000-999 Milliseconds, 3-digits
    Z -05:00 The offset from UTC, ±HH:mm
    ZZ -0500 The offset from UTC, ±HHmm
    A AM PM Post or ante meridiem, upper-case
    a am pm Post or ante meridiem, lower-case
    Do 1st... 31st Day of Month with ordinal
    X 1410715640.579 Unix timestamp
    x 1410715640579 Unix ms timestamp
  4. Custom output format time format string.
    Field Example Description
    YY 01 Two-digit year
    YYYY 2001 Four-digit year
    M 1-12 Month, beginning at 1
    MM 01-12 Month, 2-digits
    MMM Jan-Dec The abbreviated month name
    MMMM January-December The full month name
    D 1-31 Day of month
    DD 01-31 Day of month, 2-digits
    d 0-6 The day of the week, with Sunday as 0
    dd Su-Sa The min name of the day of the week
    ddd Sun-Sat The short name of the day of the week
    dddd Sunday-Saturday The name of the day of the week
    H 0-23 Hours
    HH 00-23 Hours, 2-digits
    h 1-12 Hours, 12-hour clock
    hh 01-12 Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits
    m 0-59 Minutes
    mm 00-59 Minutes, 2-digits
    s 0-59 Seconds
    ss 00-59 Seconds, 2-digits
    SSS 000-999 Milliseconds, 3-digits
    Z -05:00 The offset from UTC, ±HH:mm
    ZZ -0500 The offset from UTC, ±HHmm
    A AM PM Post or ante meridiem, upper-case
    a am pm Post or ante meridiem, lower-case
    Q 1-4 Quarter
    Do 1st... 31st Day of Month with ordinal
    k 1-24 The hour, beginning at 1
    kk 01-24 The hour, 2-digits, beginning at 1
    X 1360013296 Unix Timestamp in second
    x 1360013296123 Unix Timestamp in millisecond