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ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool Online

  • Input Parameters
  • Output Parameters
  • Convert Parameters
Ellipsoid definition
Ellipsoid Semi-major axis given in meters
Reverse flattening of the ellipsoid, 1/f
decimal year
Ellipsoid definition
Ellipsoid Semi-major axis given in meters
Reverse flattening of the ellipsoid, 1/f
decimal year
If the input epoch is different from the output epoch, velocity vector or Euler vector must be provided
The unis is m/a, meter/year
The unis is m/a, meter/year
The unis is m/a, meter/year
The unis is rad/Ma, radian/Million years
The unis is rad/Ma, radian/Million years
The unis is rad/Ma, radian/Million years
decimal year
The unis is mm, millimeter
The unis is mm, millimeter
The unis is mm, millimeter
The unis is ppb, 10⁻⁹
The unis is mas, milli arcsecond
The unis is mas, milli arcsecond
The unis is mas, milli arcsecond
The unis is mm/a, millimeter/year
The unis is mm/a, millimeter/year
The unis is mm/a, millimeter/year
The unis is ppb/a, 10⁻⁹/year
The unis is mas/a, milli arcsecond/year
The unis is mas/a, milli arcsecond/year
The unis is mas/a, milli arcsecond/year
ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool Online-summary

Online ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool: A coordinate transformation utility utilizing ITRF transformation parameters for conversions between ITRF reference frames, supporting epoch conversion via velocity fields. Compatible with over a dozen ITRF frameworks including ITRF2020, ITRF2014, ITRF97, and others. Accepts input coordinates in both geodetic (LBH: Latitude, Longitude, Height) and geocentric Earth-fixed (XYZ) formats.

ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool Online-instructions

Online ITRF Coordinate Conversion Tool supporting conversions between ITRF frameworks and epoch transformations.

  1. This tool supports ITRF2020, ITRF2014, ITRF2008, ITRF2005, ITRF2000, ITRF97, ITRF96, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88 and other ITRF frameworks.
  2. Input Coordinates : Supports the input of Cartesian spatial rectangular coordinate system coordinates (ECEF coordinates, XYZ) and geodetic coordinates (geodetic longitude, geodetic latitude, geodetic height, LBH). Use comma-separated values to enter one set of coordinates per line. Multiple lines are supported. The spatial Cartesian coordinate format is X , Y , Z, the unit is the meter (m). The geodetic coordinate format is L , B , H, longitude and latitude are in degrees and elevation is in meters.
  3. Input Parameters : Sets parameters related to input coordinates.
    1. Coordinate Type : Set the type of input coordinates, XYZ - Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed coordinates and LBH - geodetic coordinates are supported. If the input coordinate type is geodetic, the ellipsoid parameter must be set, and when the coordinates are converted, the geodetic coordinates are automatically converted to xyz coordinates and then calculated.
    2. Epoch : The epoch of the input coordinates, in decimal year format. For example 2020.0, 2024.1234 .
  4. Output Parameters : Sets parameters related to the converted output coordinates.
    1. Coordinate Type:Sets the coordinate type of the output coordinates. The output coordinate type can be the same as or different from the input coordinate type. If the output coordinate type is geodetic, the ellipsoid parameter must be set. The tool automatically converts the calculated xyz result coordinates to geodetic coordinates.
    2. Epoch : The epoch of the output coordinates in decimal year format.
  5. Convert Parameters : Sets parameters related to ITRF frame conversion and epoch calculation.
    1. Input ITRF : the ITRF framework of the input coordinates.
    2. Output ITRF : the ITRF framework of the output coordinates.
    3. This tool automatically fills the parameters and reference epoch associated with the coordinate transformation based on the input ITRF frame and the output ITRF frame. You can click the Custom button to view the filled parameter values. You can also modify the parameter values used for the conversion. The Input ITRF and Output ITRF are only used to automatically fill the parameters for the conversion between ITRF frames and are not involved in the actual calculation.
    4. Velocity Type : If the input observation epoch is different from the output result epoch, velocity information must be provided. This tool supports two ways to provide speed information:
      Velocity Vector : Directly fill in the vx, vy, vz velocity values in m/a, meters per year.
      Euler Vector : Fill in the Euler vectors Ωx, Ωy, Ωz in rad/Ma, radians per million years. Use the Euler vectors and station coordinates to calculate the velocity values.
    5. Custom : Clicking Custom displays the 14 parameters and reference epoch for the ITRF framework conversion. You can modify these parameter values to use custom parameter conversions.
    6. ITRF Epoch : Reference epoch for ITRF framework conversion parameters.
    7. tx : X-axis translation, in millimeters.
    8. ty : Y-axis translation, in millimeters.
    9. tz : Z-axis translation, in millimeters.
    10. d : Scaling factor, in ppb, 10⁻⁹.
    11. rx : The X-axis rotation angle is measured in mas, milli-arcseconds.
    12. ry : The Y-axis rotation angle is measured in mas, milli-arcseconds.
    13. rz : The Z-axis rotation angle is measured in mas, milli-arcseconds.
    14. txv : The translation speed of the X-axis is measured in millimeters per year (mm/a).
    15. tyv : The translation speed of the Y-axis is measured in millimeters per year (mm/a).
    16. tzv : The translation speed of the Z-axis is measured in millimeters per year (mm/a).
    17. dv : Scaling factor change rate, unit: ppb/a, 10⁻⁹/year.
    18. rxv : The rotational angular velocity on the X-axis is measured in mas/a and in milli-arcseconds/year.
    19. ryv : The rotational angular velocity on the Y-axis is measured in mas/a and in milli-arcseconds/year.
    20. rzv : The rotational angular velocity on the Z-axis is measured in mas/a and in milli-arcseconds/year.
  6. Open File : Support for opening UTF-8 encoded text files.
  7. Calculate Formula:
    1. Use Euler vectors to calculate station velocity formula:. In the formula, Vx, Vy, Vz are the calculated velocity value components. X, Y, Z are the coordinate of the station. Ωx, Ωy, Ωz are the Euler vector of the plate where the station is located.
    2. Epoch calculation formula : from t0 to t .

      In the formula, mr = 4.84813681*10⁻⁹ , is the conversion factor from milli-arcseconds mas to radians rad.
    3. Correction formula for plate movement: . In the formula, tc is the observation epoch. t is the epoch to be converted. Xtc, Ytc, Ztc is the coordinate at the observation epoch tc. Xs, Ys, Zs is the speed value of the station.
    4. Inter-frame coordinate formula: converts the coordinates of an ITRFyy frame to an ITRFzz frame.

      In formula [X Y Z]ITRFzz are the coordinates in the target ITRF frame. [X Y Z]ITRFyy are the coordinates in the input ITRF frame. Tx, Ty, Tz are the translation parameters. D is the scaling factor. Rx, Ry, Rz are the rotate parameters.
  8. Reference Documentation
    1. Transformation parameters between ITRF Solutions
  9. This tool has a certain frequency limit, please use this tool reasonably. Anonymous : 30/IP*Hour, Normal user : 30/Hour, VIP : 360/Hour, Senior VIP : 360/Hour.
    Anonymous and normal users can only enter one set of coordinates at a time, and batch conversion is not supported. VIP and advanced VIP users support batch conversion.