Winning List
Online lottery draw turntable tool, supporting setting lottery options, option weights, then random select lottery option. The lottery results can be downloaded locally.
- Title : The title displayed on the lottery turntable. The title can be empty.
- Mode : Choose whether people can repeatedly win the lottery.
- Edit the data in the table below online, then click Generate to regenerate the lottery turntable using the filled data. Right click on the table to add rows or columns.
The format of table data is:
The first row is the title of column.
In the second row, the first column is the lottery option, and the second column is the weight of the option. The weight can be left blank and defaults to 1. If you do not fill in or fill in the same value, all options have the same winning probability. - Upload Excel : Supports uploading xls, xlsx Excel files. The format of table file is the same as above.
- Generate Turntable : Use the filled data to generate a lottery carousel. We need to create a lottery turntable before the lottery.
- Draw : Randomly select winners. If the weights filled in are different, they will be randomly selected based on the weights.
- Download : Download the lottery results.
- Clear Result : Clear the lottery results.
- Clear Table : Clear table data.