- Encrypt
- Decrypt
Online HTTP Basic Authentication encryption and decryption tool, input user name and password, and generate basic authentication encryption request header. Enter the basic authentication encryption string to decrypt the user name and password.
HTTP Basic Authorization is a simple user authentication method based on HTTP. Use a colon
to connect the entered username and password and convert them to a Base64 string.
Then add the Base64 string to the HTTP request header in the form of
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==. - The username of HTTP Basic Authorization cannot contain a colon (:).
- HTTP Basic Authorization uses UTF-8 encoding as character set encoding.
- The username and password exchanged by HTTP Basic Authorization simply use Base64 encryption and can be simply decrypted. Therefore, this method is used for authentication, Ensure that HTTPS/TLS encrypted transport is enabled.
- HTTP Basic Authorization RFC Document