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Online BCrypt derived key and verification tool, using the bcrypt Password Based Key Derivation Function to derive keys based on passwords and random salt, supporting custom cost and other parameters. Support online verification of BCrypt derived keys.
- Input Password : The input original password supports string, hex, and base64 formats. The maximum length for entering a password is 72 bytes.
- Salt : Random salt involved in BCrypt iteration calculation. Supports inputting random salt in string, hex, and base64 formats. The random salt length requirement is 16 bytes.
- Cost : The BCrypt cost parameter. The cost of the BCrypt function grows as 2^cost. Legal values are 4 - 16.
- Charset : If the format of the random salt/input password is string, a character set parameter is required.
- Trailing Zero Byte : Whether add byte 0x00 at the end of the input password.
- Derived Key Format : The display or input format of derived key results supports hex and base64 formats.
- Generate : Generate BCrypt derived keys using the set parameters.
- Verify : Use the set parameters and the input derived key to verify if the input derived key is correct.