If you need to know about RC4 encryption algorithm, please carefully read the instructions of this tool to set relevant parameters correctly.
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The online RC4 encryption and decryption tool provides online RC4 encryption and decryption test. The input and output supports three formats: hex, string and base64.
RC4 is a widely used symmetric encryption algorithm.
- Password : The password used for RC4 encryption and decryption will use the selected character set to convert the input password into a byte array.The password byte array length is 8 - 2048 bits( 1 - 256 bytes).
- In-Format : The format of input content can be string, hexadecimal string and base64 string. For RC4 decryption, the input format does not support string.
- Out-Format : The output format of the encrypted result or decrypted original content. For RC4 encryption, the output format does not support string.
- Charset : The selected charset will be used to convert the password and initialization vector into byte array, and the selected charset will be used for string-byte conversion of input and output format.