Fraction Calculator
Common Denominator Calculator
Fraction Comparator
Reduction of Fraction
Fraction to Decimal
Decimal to Fraction
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The online fraction calculator supports the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. Fraction to decimal, decimal to fraction calculation. Support fraction reduction calculation.
The input of a fraction in this tool is divided into three parts:
Left Part : Input + or - or positive-integer or negative-integer.Represents the sign and integer part of a fraction, optional.
Top Part : Represents the numerator. Enter a positive integer greater than or equal to 0.
Bottom Part : Represents the denominator. Enter a positive integer greater than 0. - Fraction Calculator : Add, subtract, multiply and divide between two fractions.
- Common Denominator Calculator : Transforming two fractions into the same denominator.
- Fraction Comparator : Compare two fractions.
- Reduction of Fraction : Calculate the reduction of fraction.
- Fraction to Decimal : Converts the entered fraction to the corresponding decimal.
- Decimal to Fraction : Converts the entered number to the corresponding fraction.