Related Tools
Online maze generator, supporting various shapes and complexity of maze generation, and the generated maze can be downloaded as images.
- Shape : Select the shape of the generated maze. This tool supports generating maze shapes such as rectangles, hexagons, circles, honeycomb, etc.
- Download : The download format for maze images. This tool supports downloading the generated maze into SVG, PNG, and JPEG images.
- Level : The difficulty level of generating a maze, with a range of [1,100].
- Image Width : The pixel width of a maze png or jpeg image.
- Image Height : The pixel height of a maze png or jpeg image.
- Maze Width : The width of the maze when selecting to generate a rectangular maze. The larger the width, the more complex and difficult the maze generated. The width range is [10,80].
- Maze Height : The height of the maze when selecting to generate a rectangular maze. The larger the height, the more complex and difficult the maze generated. The height range is [10,80].
- Maze Size : Non rectangular maze shape, generated maze size. The larger the size, the more complex and difficult the maze generated. The size range is [10,80].
- Generate : Generate a maze, which will be displayed as an SVG image.
- Download : Download and generate maze SVG images. SVG images are in vector image format, and when zoomed in or out, the image will not be distorted.
- This tool has a certain frequency limit, please use this tool reasonably. Anonymous : 30/IP*Hour, Normal user : 30/Hour, VIP : 120/Hour, Senior VIP : 120/Hour.