Test Status :
Right :
Error :
Time :
Related Tools
Online Schulte table attention test, generate a table with 25 small squares, shuffle the numbers from 1 to 25, and fill them in the table for attention testing or training. The generated Schulte table supports downloading to the local location.
Online Schulte Attention Table Testing Tool, supporting the generation of 5x5 Schulte tables for attention testing or training.
- The Schulte table generated by this tool is a 5x5 table, filled with numbers between 1 and 25. To complete the test, click on each number in order, from small to large. Click on the number 1 to automatically start the test. Click on the number 25 to complete the test and end the timer.
- During the testing process, the current testing status, time taken, and the number of right and error numbers clicked will be displayed.
Schulte table time assessment:
For example, in the age group of 7-12 years old, achieving within 26 seconds is considered excellent, 42 seconds is considered moderate, and 50 seconds and above takes longer.
Taking the age group of 12-14 as an example, reaching within 16 seconds is considered excellent, 26 seconds is considered moderate, and 36 seconds and above are considered longer.
For adults aged 18 and above, reaching within 8 seconds is considered excellent, with 20seconds being considered moderate. - Generate : Regenerate a Schulte Attention Test table.
- Download : Download the generated Schulte table locally in the form of PNG images.
- Print : Print the current Schulte Attention Test table.
- Share this table : Share the current Schulte Attention Test table, and you can invite others to complete the same attention test game with you.
- Clear : Clear the current table data.