Network | |
Start IP | |
End IP | |
Net Mask | |
IP Count |
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Online IPv4 / IPv6 CIDR network address calculator, which supports calculating the starting IP, ending IP and the number of hosts in the CIDR block.The IPv4 calculation also displays the subnet mask.
- IP Type : Select whether the address type is IPv4 address or IPv6 address.
CIDR : Input CIDR address (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), and calculate the starting IP
address, ending IP address, and the number of ip within the CIDR block.
The CIDR format of IPv4 is :
The CIDR format of IPv6 is : 16A0:0010:AB00:001E::2/64.
The / is preceded by a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, followed
by a network prefix length.
IPv4 addresses are in dotted decimal format, such as The address format of IPv6 is colon separated hexadecimal representation, such as 2001:0db8:0000:0023:0008:0800:200c:417a. Continuous 0 compression is supported. -
Result :
- Network : The network address of the CIDR block.
- Start IP : The minimum address of the IP range in the CIDR block.
- End IP : The maximum address of the IP range in the CIDR block.
- Net Mask :The subnet mask of the IP address corresponding to CIDR. Only IPv4 calculations show this result.
- IP Count : The number of IP addresses in the CIDR block.