Input JSON
Output Result
Related Tools
Online JSON strings generate Java entity classes, JSON strings generate JavaBeans,JSON strings to Java POJO.This tool support intelligent processing of keywords, special class names, naming rule checking and other features.
JSON to Java class converter, converts the input JSON data into the corresponding Java entity class, and supports intelligent processing of Java keywords and common class names in the input JSON data.
- Open File : Open JSON data file and support any extension name. The supported file encoding is UTF-8 encoding.
- Format : Format the input JSON data.
- Generate : After entering the java package name, click generate to generate the corresponding Java entity class. The class name of the root object is RootBean.This tool support intelligent processing of keywords, special class names, naming rule checking and other features.
- Download : Package the generated Java class file into a zip file and download it locally. Important: click Generate before downloading the file.
- Array processing: Elements in an array must be of the same type, and array nesting at any level is supported.
- If the input JSON data is a completely dynamic structure, you can use the JSONPath library for dynamic processing to dynamically extract the required data.
- The generated class file is based on JDK 7+ and Jackson library.You need to add corresponding class library dependencies.