Output Result
MySQL generate JavaBean tool online, input MySQL DDL SQL statements, and generate corresponding java bean entity classes. The Java class name and field name conform to the naming convention.
MySQL to Java class converter, converts the input MySQL DDL statement into the corresponding Java
entity class, and supports intelligent processing of Java keywords and common class names in the
input sql data.
Only one table creation statement can be included in the input SQL DDL statement.
- Open File : Open sql data file and support any extension name. The supported file encoding is UTF-8 encoding.
- Generate : After entering the sql, click generate to generate the corresponding Java entity class. This tool support intelligent processing of keywords, special class names, naming rule checking and other features.
- Download : Download the generated Java class file locally. Important: click Generate before downloading the file.
- The generated class file is based on JDK 8+ .
MySQL Type to Java Type Reference Table :
MySQL Type Name Java Class BIT(1) java.lang.Boolean BIT( > 1) byte[] TINYINT(1) SIGNED, BOOLEAN If tinyInt1isBit=true and transformedBitIsBoolean=false: java.lang.Boolean
If tinyInt1isBit=true and transformedBitIsBoolean=true: java.lang.Boolean
If tinyInt1isBit=false: java.lang.Integer
TINYINT( > 1) SIGNED java.lang.Integer TINYINT( any ) UNSIGNED java.lang.Integer SMALLINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] java.lang.Integer (regardless of whether it is UNSIGNED or not) MEDIUMINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] java.lang.Integer (regardless of whether it is UNSIGNED or not) INT,INTEGER[(M)] java.lang.Integer INT,INTEGER[(M)] UNSIGNED java.lang.Long BIGINT[(M)] java.lang.Long BIGINT[(M)] UNSIGNED java.math.BigInteger FLOAT[(M,D)] java.lang.Float DOUBLE[(M,B)] [UNSIGNED] java.lang.Double (regardless of whether it is UNSIGNED or not) DECIMAL[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED] java.math.BigDecimal (regardless of whether it is UNSIGNED or not) DATE java.sql.Date DATETIME java.time.LocalDateTime TIMESTAMP[(M)] java.sql.Timestamp TIME java.sql.Time YEAR[(2|4)] If yearIsDateType configuration property is set to false, then the returned object type is java.sql.Short. If set to true (the default), then the returned object is of type java.sql.Date. CHAR(M) java.lang.String VARCHAR(M) java.lang.String BINARY(M), CHAR(M) BINARY byte[] VARBINARY(M), VARCHAR(M) BINARY byte[] BLOB byte[] TINYBLOB byte[] MEDIUMBLOB byte[] LONGBLOB byte[] TEXT java.lang.String TINYTEXT java.lang.String MEDIUMTEXT java.lang.String LONGTEXT java.lang.String JSON java.lang.String GEOMETRY byte[] ENUM('value1','value2',...) java.lang.String SET('value1','value2',...) java.lang.String