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近年来,“低代码”这一概念在资本市场上愈发火热,各种低代码平台项目也纷纷上马。 然而,此类平台的设计者与维护者们,或早或晚,终将会面对“低代码”与生俱来的一组底层矛盾,而是否能合理地处理这组矛盾,最终决定了此平台的发展前景。

35 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

As the original creators of Apache Flink, we are often asked for best practices around monitoring Flink applications and people want to know which metrics they should monitor for their applications at scale. In this two-piece blog post series based on a previous monitoring webinar, we would like to share our experiences around monitoring, focus on metrics to look at, and explain how to interpret them.

58 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

The previous article in this series focused on continuous application monitoring and presented the most useful metrics from our point of view. However, Flink’s metrics system offers a lot more, and we would like to highlight a couple of useful metrics that help you specifically while troubleshooting applications. All of the metrics presented in the previous article are useful entry points for troubleshooting and point you in the right direction. The metrics we would like to focus on here extend

50 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

Flink SQL has come a long way to where it is today via tremendous efforts and collaborations across the entire Flink community over the years. Thus, it would be valuable to have a retrospective of the journey of Flink SQL. This post will try to summarize the important milestones of Flink SQL in the past years, show the critical issues and challenges that have arisen, understand where it is today, and demonstrate the path Flink SQL has been through and where it might head in the future, based on

52 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

We have seen many use cases for Flink SQL, and we are excited to show you what you can build with it. In this series of blog posts, we will explore how to use Flink SQL to process data in a variety of ways. This post, in particular, will focus on two queries: Window Top-N and Continuous Top-N.

52 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

Flink SQL has emerged as the de facto standard for low-code data analytics. It has managed to unify batch and stream processing while simultaneously staying true to the SQL standard. In addition, it provides a rich set of advanced features for real-time use cases. In a nutshell, Flink SQL provides the best of both worlds: it gives you the ability to process streaming data using SQL, but it also supports batch processing.

44 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

Flink SQL is the most widely used relational API based on standard SQL. It provides unified batch processing and stream processing, which makes it easy to develop applications, and is already widely used for various use cases. Unlike the DataStream API, which offers the primitives of stream processing in a relatively low-level imperative programming API, the Flink SQL API offers a relatively high-level declarative API. This means that a program written with the DataStream API will transform

47 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

Flink SQL has emerged as the de facto standard for low-code data analytics. It has managed to unify batch and stream processing while simultaneously staying true to the SQL standard. In addition, it provides a rich set of advanced features for real-time use cases. In a nutshell, Flink SQL provides the best of both worlds: it gives you the ability to process streaming data using SQL, but it also supports batch processing.

46 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

Flink SQL has emerged as the de facto standard for low-code data analytics. It has managed to unify batch and stream processing while simultaneously staying true to the SQL standard. In addition, it provides a rich set of advanced features for real-time use cases. In a nutshell, Flink SQL provides the best of both worlds: it gives you the ability to process streaming data using SQL, but it also supports batch processing.

48 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23

Flink SQL has emerged as the de facto standard for low-code data analytics. It has managed to unify batch and stream processing while simultaneously staying true to the SQL standard. In addition, it provides a rich set of advanced features for real-time use cases. In a nutshell, Flink SQL provides the best of both worlds: it gives you the ability to process streaming data using SQL, but it also supports batch processing.

47 技术 lddgo 分享于 2024-01-23