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随着业务的日渐复杂,性能优化俨然成为了每一位技术人的必修课。性能优化从何着手?如何从问题表象定位到性能瓶颈?如何验证优化措施是否有效?本文将介绍分享 vivo push 推荐项目中的性能调优实践,希望给大家提供一些借鉴和参考。

265 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-15

Stateful Functions (StateFun) simplifies the building of distributed stateful applications by combining the best of two worlds: the strong messaging and state consistency guarantees of stateful stream processing, and the elasticity and serverless experience of today’s cloud-native architectures and popular event-driven FaaS platforms. Typical StateFun applications consist of functions deployed behind simple services using these modern platforms, with a separate StateFun cluster playing the role

61 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

Apache Flink’s checkpoint-based fault tolerance mechanism is one of its defining features. Because of that design, Flink unifies batch and stream processing, can easily scale to both very small and extremely large scenarios and provides support for many operational features like stateful upgrades with state evolution or roll-backs and time-travel.

91 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

Apache Flink is a very versatile tool for all kinds of data processing workloads. It can process incoming data within a few milliseconds or crunch through petabytes of bounded datasets (also known as batch processing).

70 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

To best understand state and state backends in Flink, it’s important to distinguish between in-flight state and state snapshots. In-flight state, also known as working state, is the state a Flink job is working on. It is always stored locally in memory (with the possibility to spill to disk) and can be lost when jobs fail without impacting job recoverability. State snapshots, i.e., checkpoints and savepoints, are stored in a remote durable storage, and are used to restore the local state

99 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

Flink has supported resource management systems like YARN and Mesos since the early days; however, these were not designed for the fast-moving cloud-native architectures that are increasingly gaining popularity these days, or the growing need to support complex, mixed workloads (e.g. batch, streaming, deep learning, web services). For these reasons, more and more users are using Kubernetes to automate the deployment, scaling and management of their Flink applications.

114 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

This new release brings remote functions to the front and center of StateFun, making the disaggregated setup that separates the application logic from the StateFun cluster the default. It is now easier, more efficient, and more ergonomic to write applications that live in their own processes or containers. With the new Java SDK this is now also possible for all JVM languages, in addition to Python.

68 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

Streaming jobs which run for several days or longer usually experience variations in workload during their lifetime. These variations can originate from seasonal spikes, such as day vs. night, weekdays vs. weekend or holidays vs. non-holidays, sudden events or simply the growing popularity of your product.

76 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

网易校招 | 我们需要什么样的设计师?面试官专访

91 商业 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14

市面上已有lottie,svga,pag等优秀的矢量动画库,但是在B站业务场景下,并不能完美的解决自身业务痛点。B站拥有着一套自研的渲染引擎 Chronos,目前已支撑了移动端视频播放界面弹幕等视频特效业务,部分视频中的弹幕特效,以及大部分视频中的三连组件。Chronos 拥有对GPU接口的抽象和渲染管线,我们可以在Chronos基础上,完成一个矢量动画绘制模块,解决B站部分场景下特效动画的痛点。

177 技术 lddgo 分享于 2022-09-14