MD5 Encryption
Calculate the MD5 hash value of the text, and the output result is expressed in HEX string and Base64 format. The input text will be converted into byte array using the selected character set, and then the MD5 hash value of the binary data will be calculated, and then the hash value will be expressed as HEX string and Base64 string.
File Hash Calculation
Calculate the MD5, SHA1, sha256, SHA512, sha3-256 and sha3-512 hash values of the file. The hash result is expressed as a hexadecimal string.
HMAC Generator Online
The online HMAC calculation tool supports the hash-based message authentication code calculation based on MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-256, SHA3-512 and other hash algorithms.
Hash Calculation Online
Calculate the hash value of text and file online, and the calculation supports MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 algorithms. The input data supports string, hex, base64 string or file. The hash value of the corresponding data is calculated, and the calculation result is expressed as hexadecimal string and base64 string.
CMAC Calculate Online
Online CMAC (Cipher based Message Authentication Code) calculation tool, supporting the use of AES, DES, SM4 and other algorithms to calculate CMAC values. Input and output support string, hex, base64, binary formats.
KMAC Calculate and Verify Online
Online KMAC (KECCAK Message Authentication Code) calculation and verification tool, supporting online calculation and verification of KMAC. Support input data and keys, select KMAC-128 or KMAC-256 algorithm, set output bit length and other parameters.