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File Hash Calculation

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File Hash Calculation-summary

Calculate the MD5, SHA1, sha256, SHA512, sha3-256 and sha3-512 hash values of the file. The hash result is expressed as a hexadecimal string.

File Hash Calculation-instructions

Online calculation of file hash value supports calculation of file hash values of MD5, SHA1, sha256, SHA512, sha3-256 and sha3-512.

  1. This tool limits the maximum file size to 1GB. When your file size exceeds 10MB, you may need to wait a while.If the browser prompts no response, please continue to wait.
  2. When you need to calculate the corresponding hash value, please check the corresponding algorithm.
  3. Introduction to MD5 algorithm: MD5 message digest algorithm (English: MD5 message digest algorithm), a widely used cryptographic hash function, can generate a 128 bit (16 byte) hash value Value) to ensure complete and consistent information transmission. After 1996, the algorithm was proved to have weaknesses and can be cracked. For data requiring high security, it is generally recommended to use other algorithms.
  4. Introduction to SHA1 algorithm: SHA-1 (English): secure hash algorithm 1) Is a cryptographic hash function designed by the national security agency and published by the National Institute of standards and Technology (NIST) as the federal data processing standard (FIPS). SHA-1 can generate a 160 bit (20 byte) hash value called message digest, which is usually presented as 40 hexadecimal numbers.
  5. Introduction to sha256 and SHA512 algorithms: sha256 and SHA512 are subdivided algorithms under SHA-2. The name of SHA-2 comes from secure hash algorithm 2 (English: secure hash algorithm) 2) The abbreviation of Sha, a cryptographic hash function algorithm standard, is developed by the U.S. National Security Agency. It belongs to one of the Sha algorithms and is the successor of SHA-1. SHA-2 can be further divided into six different algorithm standards, including sha-224, SHA-256, sha-384, sha-512, sha-512 / 224 and sha-512 / 256. These variants are in addition to the length of the generated summary The basic structure of the algorithm is consistent except for some small differences such as the number of cycles.
  6. Introduction to sha3-256 and sha3-512 algorithms: Sha-3 secure hash algorithm 3, also known as keccak algorithm. Keccak Using the sponge function, this function will XOR the data with the initial internal state, which is inevitable and replaceable permuted)。 In the largest version, the memory state used by the algorithm is 5 × 5. The data type is 64 bit bytes, with a total of 1600 bits 。 The reduced version algorithm uses a relatively small byte size of 2, W is 1 bit, and a total of 25 bits are used. In addition to using a smaller version to study encryption analysis attacks, a more moderate size (for example, from 100 bits for w = 4 to 800 bits for w = 32) provides a more practical and lightweight alternative.