Related Tools
Online braille translator, supporting text to braille and braille to text conversion. Braille specifications support Mainland Chinese Braille in Chinese Mainland, double-phonic Braille in Chinese Mainland, and various English Braille.
An online braille translator that converts regular text into 6 or 8 point characters in braille. This tool also supports converting Braille to regular text.
- Lang Type : Select the Braille language type. This tool has dozens of Braille types built-in, including English Braille, German Braille, French Braille, Mandarin Braille, etc.
- Output : Choose whether to display Braille characters as Unicode characters or as 6-point or 8-point graphics. The display effect of Braille Unicode characters and Braille dots may vary slightly under different fonts.
- White Dot:Choose how to display white dots in braille, supported options include: circles, spaces, small black dots, etc. Please pay attention to the display effect when selecting different white dot display characters.
- Line Width:Set the number of braille characters. displayed on each line.
- Reverse : Set whether to reverse the display of braille results.
- Text -> Braille : Convert input text to Braille text.
Braille -> Text : Convert the input braille text to normal text.
Note :
a. Not all braille can be converted to regular text without loss.
b. The input Braille text needs to be a Braille Unicode character. - This tool has a certain frequency limit, please use this tool reasonably. Anonymous : 30/IP*Hour, Normal user : 30/Hour, VIP : 120/Hour, Senior VIP : 120/Hour.