Idiom | Pinyin | Description | Operation |
倚门傍户 | yǐ mén bàng hù | 倚、傍靠着。比喻做学问自己没有见解,只袭取别人的说法。 | Detail |
倚门窥户 | yǐ mén kuī hù | 指攀附企望于他人。 | Detail |
倚门卖俏 | yǐ mén mài qiào | 形容妓女卖弄风骚的生活。 | Detail |
倚门卖笑 | yǐ mén mài xiào | 旧时形容妓女的生活。 | Detail |
倚门献笑 | yǐ mén xiàn xiào | 旧指妓女卖淫。同倚门卖笑”。 | Detail |
倚门倚闾 | yǐ mén yǐ lǚ | 闾古代里巷的门。形容父母盼望子女归来的迫切心情。 | Detail |
倚强凌弱 | yǐ qiáng líng ruò | 倚仗,凭借;凌欺压。仗着自己强大就欺侮弱者。 | Detail |
倚人庐下 | yǐ rén lú xià | 指依靠别人生活。 | Detail |
倚势凌人 | yǐ shì líng rén | 凭借权势,欺侮别人。 | Detail |
倚天拔地 | yǐ tiān bá dì | 倚天而立,拔地而起。极言魁伟雄奇。 | Detail |
倚玉偎香 | yǐ yù wēi xiāng | 形容同女性亲热昵爱。 | Detail |
旖旎风光 | yǐ nǐ fēng guāng | 旖旎柔和美丽。柔和而美丽的韵致风采或自然风景。 | Detail |
义薄云天 | yì bó yún tiān | 正义之气直上高空。形容为正义而斗争的精神极其崇高。 | Detail |
义不反顾 | yì bù fǎn gù | 秉义直前,决不回顾退缩。 | Detail |
义不取容 | yì bù qǔ róng | 取容讨好。为追求正义而不取悦于人。指人刚直不阿。 | Detail |
义不容辞 | yì bù róng cí | 容允许;辞推托。道义上不允许推辞。 | Detail |
义不生财 | yì bù shēng cái | 主持正义者不苟取财物。亦作义不生财,慈不主兵。” | Detail |
义胆忠肝 | yì dǎn zhōng gān | 指为人正直忠贞。 | Detail |
义断恩绝 | yì duàn ēn jué | 义情义;恩恩情。指情谊完全决裂。 | Detail |
义愤填胸 | yì fèn tián xiōng | 指胸中充满义愤。 | Detail |
Related Tools
The online chinese idiom full list supports idiom query, idiom explanation and idiom example viewing. You can fuzzy query idioms according to the words or phonetic abbreviations. This tool contains tens of thousands of chinese idioms and provides online query function of idiom dictionary.
- Include : Input the words contained in the idiom or the phonetic initials of the idiom to query. For example, if you input a 马, you will search for idioms containing the word 马. Enter mdgc to query the idioms containing mdgc in the phonetic acronyms.
- Position : If you enter Include text, you can set whether the search keyword appears at the start, end or any position of the idiom through the text position parameter. For example, if the word input 马 is included and the position of the word is set as the start, all idioms starting with the word 马 will be searched. If the text position is set to the end, all idioms ending in the 马 will be searched.
- Length : The number of Chinese characters in idioms. You can use this parameter to filter three character idioms, four character idioms, or idioms with more characters.
- The above filter conditions can be set at the same time. When set at the same time, idioms that meet all conditions will be filtered.