Idiom | Pinyin | Description | Operation |
有财有势 | yǒu cái yǒu shì | 既有钱财,又有势力。同有钱有势”。 | Detail |
有朝一日 | yǒu zhāo yī rì | 将来有那么一天。 | Detail |
有耻且格 | yǒu chǐ qiě gé | 指人有知耻之心,则能自我检点而归于正道。 | Detail |
有胆有识 | yǒu dǎn yǒu shí | 既有胆量又有见识。 | Detail |
有的放矢 | yǒu dǐ fàng shǐ | 的箭靶子;矢箭。放箭要对准靶子。比喻说话做事有针对性。 | Detail |
有风有化 | yǒu fēng yǒu huà | 指有教育意义。 | Detail |
有凤来仪 | yǒu fèng lái yí | 凤凤凰,传说中的百鸟之王;仪仪容。古时吉祥的征兆。 | Detail |
有福同享 | yǒu fú tóng xiǎng | 指共同分享幸福。 | Detail |
有福同享,有祸同当 | yǒu fú tóng xiǎng,yǒu huò tóng dāng | 指患难与共,和衷共济。同有福同享,有难同当”。 | Detail |
有福同享,有难同当 | yǒu fú tóng xiǎng,yǒu nàn tóng dāng | 幸福共同分享,苦难共同分担。指患难与共,和衷共济。 | Detail |
有负众望 | yǒu fù zhòng wàng | 指辜负众人的期望。 | Detail |
有根有底 | yǒu gēn yǒu dǐ | 犹言有根有据。 | Detail |
有根有苗 | yǒu gēn yǒu miáo | 有根据,有线索。 | Detail |
有国难投 | yǒu guó nán tóu | 有国家却不能回去。 | Detail |
有过之,无不及 | yǒu guò zhī,wú bù jí | 过超过;及赶上。相比之下,只有超过而不会不如。 | Detail |
有过之而无不及 | yǒu guò zhī ér wú bù jí | 过超过;及赶上。相比之下,只有超过而不会不如。 | Detail |
有过之无不及 | yǒu guò zhī wú bù jí | 过超过;及赶上。相比之下,只有超过而没有赶不上的。 | Detail |
有害无利 | yǒu hài wú lì | 只有坏处没有好处。 | Detail |
有何面目 | yǒu hé miàn mù | 指没有脸见人。 | Detail |
有机可乘 | yǒu jī kě chéng | 有空子可钻。 | Detail |
Related Tools
The online chinese idiom full list supports idiom query, idiom explanation and idiom example viewing. You can fuzzy query idioms according to the words or phonetic abbreviations. This tool contains tens of thousands of chinese idioms and provides online query function of idiom dictionary.
- Include : Input the words contained in the idiom or the phonetic initials of the idiom to query. For example, if you input a 马, you will search for idioms containing the word 马. Enter mdgc to query the idioms containing mdgc in the phonetic acronyms.
- Position : If you enter Include text, you can set whether the search keyword appears at the start, end or any position of the idiom through the text position parameter. For example, if the word input 马 is included and the position of the word is set as the start, all idioms starting with the word 马 will be searched. If the text position is set to the end, all idioms ending in the 马 will be searched.
- Length : The number of Chinese characters in idioms. You can use this parameter to filter three character idioms, four character idioms, or idioms with more characters.
- The above filter conditions can be set at the same time. When set at the same time, idioms that meet all conditions will be filtered.