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Chinese Idioms Full List Online

Idiom Pinyin Description Operation
抽黄对白 chōu huáng duì bái 用黄”对仗白”。指只求对仗工稳。 Detail
抽筋拔骨 chōu jīn bá gǔ 比喻非常勉强。 Detail
抽筋剥皮 chōu jīn bāo pí 形容剥削压迫非常残酷。 Detail
抽梁换柱 chōu liáng huàn zhù 比喻暗中捣鬼,以假代真。 Detail
抽祕骋妍 chōu bì chěng yán 指抒发深意,施展美才。 Detail
抽秘骋妍 chōu mì chěng yán 抒发深意,施展美才。 Detail
抽丝剥茧 chōu sī bāo jiǎn 丝得一根一根地抽,茧得一层一层地剥。形容分析事物极为细致,而且一步一步很有层次。 Detail
抽胎换骨 chōu tāi huàn gǔ 犹言脱胎换骨。 Detail
抽薪止沸 chōu xīn zhǐ fèi 薪柴草;沸沸腾。抽掉锅底下的柴火,使锅里的水不再翻滚。比喻从根本上解决问题。 Detail
仇人见面,分外眼红 chóu rén jiàn miàn ,fèn wài yǎn hóng 眼红激怒的样子。仇敌碰在一起,彼此更加激怒。 Detail
仇人相见,分外明白 chóu rén xiāng jiàn ,fèn wài míng bai 指当敌对的双方相逢时,彼此对对方都格外警觉和敏感。 Detail
仇人相见,分外眼红 chóu rén xiāng jiàn,fèn wài yǎn hóng 眼红激怒的样子。仇敌碰在一起,彼此更加激怒。 Detail
仇人相见,分外眼明 chóu rén xiāng jiàn,fèn wài yǎn míng 指当敌对的双方相逢时,彼此对对方都格外警觉和敏感。 Detail
仇人相见,分外眼睁 chóu rén xiāng jiàn ,fèn wài yǎn zhēng 指当敌对的双方相逢时,彼此对对方都格外警觉和敏感。 Detail
绸缪束薪 chóu móu shù xīn 绸缪紧紧缠绕。紧紧地把柴草捆扎成捆儿。古代束薪比喻婚姻的结合。 Detail
绸缪帷幄 chóu móu wéi wò 指运筹帷幄,在军营帐幕之中谋划军国大事。 Detail
畴咨之忧 chóu zī zhī yōu 畴咨访问、访求。指人才难求的忧虑。 Detail
愁长殢酒 chóu cháng tì jiǔ 愁长愁闷的心肠;殢困扰。心肠愁闷容易病酒。 Detail
愁肠百结 chóu cháng bǎi jié 愁肠忧愁的心肠。百结极多的结头。忧愁苦闷的心肠好象凝结成了许多的疙瘩。形容愁绪郁结,难于排遣。 Detail
愁肠寸断 chóu cháng cùn duàn 愁肠忧思萦绕的心肠。愁得肠子都断成一段段的。形容忧愁到了极点。 Detail
Chinese Idioms Full List Online-summary

The online chinese idiom full list supports idiom query, idiom explanation and idiom example viewing. You can fuzzy query idioms according to the words or phonetic abbreviations. This tool contains tens of thousands of chinese idioms and provides online query function of idiom dictionary.

Chinese Idioms Full List Online-instructions
  1. Include : Input the words contained in the idiom or the phonetic initials of the idiom to query. For example, if you input a , you will search for idioms containing the word . Enter mdgc to query the idioms containing mdgc in the phonetic acronyms.
  2. Position : If you enter Include text, you can set whether the search keyword appears at the start, end or any position of the idiom through the text position parameter. For example, if the word input is included and the position of the word is set as the start, all idioms starting with the word will be searched. If the text position is set to the end, all idioms ending in the will be searched.
  3. Length : The number of Chinese characters in idioms. You can use this parameter to filter three character idioms, four character idioms, or idioms with more characters.
  4. The above filter conditions can be set at the same time. When set at the same time, idioms that meet all conditions will be filtered.