Idiom | Pinyin | Description | Operation |
单见浅闻 | dān jiàn qiǎn wén | 指见识短浅。 | Detail |
单孑独立 | dān jié dú lì | 单孑单身一人。只身一人,独立自持。 | Detail |
单枪独马 | dān qiāng dú mǎ | 比喻孤身一人或单独行动。 | Detail |
单枪匹马 | dān qiāng pí mǎ | 原指打仗时一个人上阵。比喻行动没人帮助。 | Detail |
单丝不成线 | dān sī bù chéng xiàn | 一根丝绞不成线。比喻个人力量单薄,难把事情办成。 | Detail |
单丝不线 | dān sī bù xiàn | 一根丝纺不成线。比喻单身,没有配偶。 | Detail |
单文孤证 | dān wén gū zhèng | 仅有的证据。意指不足凭信。 | Detail |
单忧极瘁 | dān yōu jí cuì | 指极尽忧虑辛劳之苦。单,通殚”。 | Detail |
单则易折,众则难摧 | dān zé yì zhé,zhòng zé nán cuī | 势孤力单,容易受人欺负;从多气壮,别人不敢欺侮。 | Detail |
担惊忍怕 | dān jīng rěn pà | 担心害怕。指常处在惊吓、恐惧之中。 | Detail |
担惊受恐 | dān jīng shòu kǒng | 担心害怕。指常处在惊吓、恐惧之中。 | Detail |
担惊受怕 | dān jīng shòu pà | 形容十分担心或害怕。 | Detail |
担雪塞井 | dān xuě sāi jǐng | 挑雪去填塞水井。比喻徒劳无功。 | Detail |
担雪填河 | dān xuě tián hé | 挑雪去填塞河。比喻徒劳无功。 | Detail |
担雪填井 | dān xuě tián jǐng | 挑雪去填塞水井。比喻徒劳无功。 | Detail |
眈眈逐逐 | dān dān zhú zhú | 贪婪注视,急于攫取的样子。 | Detail |
耽惊受怕 | dān jīng shòu pà | 担受惊吓。 | Detail |
躭惊受怕 | dān jīng shòu pà | 犹言担受惊吓。 | Detail |
殚财竭力 | dān cái jié lì | 殚、竭尽。用尽所有的财力和人力。形容竭尽全力。 | Detail |
殚诚毕虑 | dān chéng bì lǜ | 指竭尽忠诚与思虑。 | Detail |
Related Tools
The online chinese idiom full list supports idiom query, idiom explanation and idiom example viewing. You can fuzzy query idioms according to the words or phonetic abbreviations. This tool contains tens of thousands of chinese idioms and provides online query function of idiom dictionary.
- Include : Input the words contained in the idiom or the phonetic initials of the idiom to query. For example, if you input a 马, you will search for idioms containing the word 马. Enter mdgc to query the idioms containing mdgc in the phonetic acronyms.
- Position : If you enter Include text, you can set whether the search keyword appears at the start, end or any position of the idiom through the text position parameter. For example, if the word input 马 is included and the position of the word is set as the start, all idioms starting with the word 马 will be searched. If the text position is set to the end, all idioms ending in the 马 will be searched.
- Length : The number of Chinese characters in idioms. You can use this parameter to filter three character idioms, four character idioms, or idioms with more characters.
- The above filter conditions can be set at the same time. When set at the same time, idioms that meet all conditions will be filtered.