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Online logarithmic calculator, calculate the logarithm of 2, e, 10, or any base number, and display the logarithmic chart corresponding to the base number.
Online logarithmic calculator, calculate the logarithm of 2, e, 10 or any number as the base, and display the calculation results as numbers, formulas, and charts.
If ax = N (a>0, and a ≠ 1), then the number x is called the logarithm of N based on a. The formula is x = logaN . Among them, a is called the base of the logarithm, and N is called the Antilogarithm number.
- Base Number : Enter the base for logarithmic calculation, with a base requirement of >= 0 and ≠ 1. Enter e as the base to calculate natural logarithm.
- Clear : Clear input numbers.