Square Root Calculator
The calculate formula is :
Cube Root Calculator
The calculate formula is :
nth Root Calculator
The calculate formula is :
Quadratic Power Calculator
The calculate formula is :
Cube Power Calculator
The calculate formula is :
nth Power Calculator
The calculate formula is :
Related Tools
Online exponent and square root calculator, supporting the calculation of any number of square root and the calculation of exponent results with any base. The square root calculation will display all results, including complex numbers.
- The root calculation will display all results, including complex number results.
- The root calculator supports nth root, including integer numbers, decimal numbers, positive numbers and negative numbers.
- The exponent calculator supports any exponent, including integer exponent, decimal exponent, positive exponent and negative exponent.
- Regarding the accuracy of numerical values: The minimum value supported by the calculation is 5e-324, and the maximum value is 1.7976931348623157e+308. If the calculation results or intermediate values exceed this accuracy, it may lead to incorrect results.